We offer gentle dental care in a friendly caring environment.
For your assurance to healthy mouth teeth and gums we offer:
Servicing Putney’s Dental Care
Preventative Dental Care
Thanks to good oral health habits, more adults are keeping their natural teeth their entire lives. The key is prevention which should focus on professional prophylaxis and fluoride treatment and daily brushing, flossing, tongue hygiene and regular dental check-ups to identify defects before they become major problems. Routine visits are encouraged so that a healthy mouth may be maintained. Early detection of disease can often require minimal intervention. Prevention is always the best course of treatment. After your initial consultation we can advise you as to what intervals your follow up visits should be booked.
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Restorative Dental Care
When tooth structure has broken down either from decay, wear or fracture of tooth it requires to be restored to prevent further damage. Restorative procedures include fillings, inlays crowns, veneers, or bridges (when tooth/teeth are missing) or implants. Missing teeth can also be replaced by a denture in metal or acrylic .
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Cosmetic Dental Care
We can help you improve your smile with the most recent techniques in resin bonding, porcelain veneers and tooth whitening
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Children’s Dental Care
We encourage development of healthy mouth and dental habits in the first few years of your child’s growth. Dental sealant (link to info on fissure sealants) applied on newly erupted second teeth seal the deep fissures with a protective coating and prevents tooth decay. Mouth guards are available is a range of colours. Creating a dental routine early can ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles for your child. Baby teeth are important teeth, and cavity prevention starts even before the first tooth appears. By teaching your children the benefits of brushing and flossing, you are putting them on a course to a healthy mouth for life.
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Bad Breath Care
An embarrassing problem which can be reduced with a specific treatment plan after assessing the problem
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Orthodontics- Invisalign
At Putney dental surgery we offer orthodontic treatment with Removable appliances these are used to move teeth with wire springs and are limited to simple tooth movements, usually in children who are yet to lose all of their deciduous teeth or when a young patient has teeth in crossbite
We also provide the revolutionary Inman Aligner
The Aligner is the perfect solution for adults with mild crowding or protrusion of the front teeth. With the patented Inman Aligner, your front teeth can be gently guided to an ideal position in a matter of weeks. Most cases complete in 6-16 weeks and because it’s removable you can take it out to fit with your lifestyle.
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Invisalign – Clear Aligners
Invisalign is a clear aligner system, designed to straighten out crooked teeth and close any gaps in a discreet manner
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Nitrous Oxide or happy gas
Stress, anxiety and even fear are all feelings which accompany many people to the dentist. If you have been putting off a visit, or are anxious about visiting the dentist then nitrous oxide might be for you. Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as ‘happy gas’, has been used in the dental industry for over 30 years and is a safe way to undergo dental treatment while feeling deeply relaxed. Nitrous Oxide can be used on both adults and children, so feel free to request this rather than putting off a visit to the dentist.
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Tempromandibular Joint Pain (TMD)
TMD caused by bruxing, grinding and clenching. TMJ disorders are not uncommon and have a variety of symptom such as earaches, headaches and limited ability to open your mouth. There may be a clicking or grating sounds in the joint and pain when opening and closing your mouth. Related to TMD, is excessive clenching or grinding of the teeth, known as bruxism, it is often caused by physical or psychological stress or a sleep disorder. If untreated, bruxism can lead to excessive wear on the teeth and may cause permanent damage to the teeth and jaw joints.
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Wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth found at the back of the mouth, can cause problems for some people and may need to be removed. If there isn’t enough space for them to grow at the back of your mouth they become ‘impacted’ wisdom teeth, causing pain, swelling and/or infection. Having your impacted wisdom teeth surgically removed (extracted) can relieve these symptoms. It may be possible for us to remove your wisdom teeth, or you may be referred to an oral surgeon.
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DIO Implant – Newest Digital Dental Implant
The first titanium dental implant was placed back in 1965, and since then digital implant technology has come along in leaps and bounds. The latest invention in Dentistry is the Computerized Surgical Guide Dental Implant. Putney Dental Surgery is proud to offer DIO dental implants, an implant system that gives patients the option of a minimally invasive procedure, improved accuracy in placement, faster procedure and recovery with minimal pain and swelling. Let’s take a closer look at DIO dental implants.
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